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In an exciting development for our cannabis testing laboratory, we’re thrilled to announce that our very own Co-Founder and Chief Compliance Officer, Josh Wurzer, has been selected to join the esteemed National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) Board. This recognition not only highlights Josh’s exceptional leadership and expertise but also positions our laboratory as a key player in the ever-evolving cannabis industry.

A Testament to Expertise and Leadership

Wurzer’s appointment to the NCIA Board is a testament to his unparalleled expertise and leadership in the cannabis industry. With years of experience ensuring the highest standards in our laboratory, Josh has played a pivotal role in our success. His commitment to excellence and dedication to advancing the industry align perfectly with the values of the NCIA.

The National Cannabis Industry Association

The NCIA, a leading voice for the cannabis industry, recently announced its Board for the 2024-2026 term. This diverse group of industry leaders brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, collectively steering the NCIA towards its mission of promoting the growth of a responsible and legitimate cannabis industry. Board members are selected through a thoughtful and democratic process to serve two-year terms.

The NCIA expressed excitement about the addition of its two new members—Wurzer and Adam Stettner, CEO of FundCanna—each of whom have demonstrated a commitment to advancing the industry.

The NCIA Board provides a platform to collaborate with industry peers, policymakers, and experts. This collaboration is crucial for addressing challenges, sharing best practices, and collectively working towards a future where the cannabis industry is not only thriving but also setting the standard for responsible business practices.

Shaping the Future

As one of our four co-founders, Josh has been instrumental in shaping our company since 2010. His appointment to the NCIA Board further solidifies his role as a thought leader and advocate for responsible practices within the cannabis industry.

In celebrating Wurzer’s selection to the NCIA Board, we recognize not only an individual accomplishment but a collective stride towards a more robust and responsible cannabis industry. As Josh continues to contribute his expertise on a national level, we look forward to the positive impact it will have on our laboratory, our clients, and the industry as a whole. We are excited about the opportunities this milestone brings for growth, collaboration, and advancement.