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The Health Guild

According to current predictions from market research firm BDSA, the US hemp and CBD market could hit $ 20.5 billion by 2025. But, the highly variable landscape from state to state threatens this potential growth. This regulatory fragmentation must be resolved before the market reaches the forecasted 40% compound annual growth rate.

Now, however, the scattered regulatory puzzle pieces of the US consumer hemp market may be coming together, thanks to the team of scientists at SC Laboratories, Inc. (SC Labs). Inspired by a request from an international retailer, SC Labs has pioneered the first-ever national hemp testing panel.

With more than a decade of expertise in Oregon, California, and Colorado (pending), SC Labs is an industry leader in education, testing methodology, and consumer safety.

…we’ve seen this growing interest, especially on the hemp side of various sized clients, who are really interested in selling products that can meet and exceed state-established guidelines in all 50 states.

Alec Dixon, Cofounder and Executive VP of Client Relations, SC Labs

In a recent interview, Alec Dixon, co-founder and director of client relations, and Josh Wurzer, president and co-founder, discussed how these foundational principles formed the basis of the hemp and CBD testing panel